Project Summer House
Project Summer House
– is my personal project I have been wanting to make ever since I involved in 3D. I believe I gathered enough knowledge to finally make it happen. The whole idea is to recreate my parents Summer House, where I’ve spend most of my childhood summers. With help of 3dsMax, Substance Painter and Unity 3D hopefully I’ll make my idea come to life.
Reason behind the project
Summer House – a place loved by my parents and not so much (at the time) by us kids. Because who wants to spend all their time running various garden chores instead of being with your friends?? 🙂 But looking at it now, all time spent in Summer House brings the best memories, because it was the only place where we spent most time together as a family. So it has special place in my heart and with that notion I intend to recreate everything as accurate as I can. But the most important reason is my moms upcoming 70th birthday. Till this day she spends most of her springs and summers in the “Garden” (as we simply call it) and it is her most favorite place in the whole world. So I want to recreate it so she can visit her beloved Summer House virtually whenever she wants, especially in cold winter days. 🙂
A little bit of history
Our Summer House is located 10 km from our town. My parents bought the lot in 1981 and have it ever since. It was quite common in then USSR to live in a flat and to have a garden lot outside the town to grow your own vegetables, fruits or just use it for recreational purposes.
So when my parents bought it, it was just an empty plot of land with terrible soil. But being extremely handy people, they soon enough created their little dream garden. In few years time my dad built a 2 storey house. It is worth mentioning he had no previous experience in building houses and he did everything alone! So to this day I am impressed with his skills and abilities. He basically built everything from nothing. And my mom being busy with three kids was able to create and manage a garden that provided us with fresh vegetables and fruits.

The ultimate dream of my parents was to one day sell their flat and to move permanently to Summer House to spend the rest of their days in place they both loved so much. Sadly life doesn’t always go as planed. My dad had a freak accident and passed away 8 years ago and all dreams went with him. My mom is still spending her summers in our Summer House, but everything is different without dad around. So in a way recreating our “Garden” would encapsulate time when dad was still alive and would bring back good memories to my mom, myself and other family members.
Starting from now I am going to commit fully to this project and keep posting updated weekly here on my blog. I might need few months to finish it completely, but I am more that ready for this and am very happy to finally be able to make it come true! 🙂
Till next time.